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  1. We all get that COD is great but don’t blame them the company is just trying to stay alive but yes we get mad bc they taking our money but surely they will eventually listen to the fans later on in the future just not now be patient on how they work it’s a big company with a lot of developments so be respectful for what they do to bring the best of COD MW2 WARZONE 2.0 I hopefully get to see the return of Warzone with a Fresh breeze of rebirth

  2. please let this bundle re-release soon, honestly I don’t care about the price I just need the grenade sound effect

  3. it was removed from the store since the price was 600 more codpoints than intended, we don’t know when it will come back.

  4. It was… seems like that bundle broke the store.. previous bundles are no longer accessible since they pulled this

    1. I still get bundles after they removed them it’s easy go yo your weapons then click see bundle same thing with the vehicle skin or calling card but you must look for the see bundle if you’re on the calling card section

  5. Same issue. Can’t find it in the store. Also tried buying from the weapon category Fennec and SPX and still can’t find it.