2400 COD Points

XVX-016 Gundam Aerial DOC Skin in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle Aerial Beam Rifle MTZ-556 Blueprint Skin in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle Aerial Rebuild Beam Rifle KVD Enforcer Blueprint Skin in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle Escutcheon Riot Shield Blueprint Skin in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle Chuchu's Fury Calling Card in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle Holder Mark Emblem in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle

Holder Mark Emblem in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle Cool Charm in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle Hots Charm in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle Suletta And Miorine Large Decal in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle Nika And Chuchu Large Decal in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle X-EX01 Gundam Calibarn Sticker in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle
FP / A-77 Gundam Pharact Sticker in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle Sophie And Norea Sticker in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle The Witch From Mercury Loading Screen in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle The Witch And The Bride Loading Screen in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle Best Pilot In Asticassia Loading Screen in Warzone and MW3 Mobile Suit Gundam Aerial XVX-016 Bundle


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  1. A gears collab bundle would be sweet event camo should be team phantom weapon skin set. As for bundles black steel UIR would go hard.

  2. Lame ass bundle
    .WAITIN 4 XXXG-00W0 Wing Gundam Zero AND Herro Yuy..not some shitty side storys junks

    1. Well keep waiting because there’s no such bundle. You also don’t need to make 2 near identical comments.

        1. Read it again it is a perfectly nice English…
          And go wacth Gundam…You will see that he is a main charactery,and his mobile suit..Not some side story lame ass bundles

          1. Don’t tell me that when you typed “a perfectly nice English”.
            I’m well aware of Gundam, thanks.

  3. Trying to get the trans to play the game ,great idea cod, just kidding 🙂 idiots and lames will buy this can’t wait to shoot em!

    1. The fact that you use “lames” as an insult says more about you than whatever preconceived word vomit you typed there is trying to say.

  4. Surprised at the amount of stuff the Gundam bundles have had. Usually its just like the skin + execution, 2 blueprints, a charm and an emblem

      1. Not only that but look at how affordable it is. 2400 for this is way better than say 3000 for the cheech and chong bundle.

        1. True, I’m pretty sure it’s the biggest bundle so far, at least since I started tracking them with MW19