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  1. I wish it would I literally got game next day checked store had to leave got on next day to buy and it was gone I want this so bad

  2. Ya let’s not buy anything from the cod store , that’s a good idea let’s all boycott them 🙂 no more buying lame packs

  3. Please do not but say we all boycott on buying packs till sledgehammer does something good or they change developers that last season reloaded update sucked balls !!!

  4. Activision is ass…a whole play to just release a bundle…just release the damn bundles
    All this data, mindfuck market strategy…. While the game is becoming a joke

  5. They know that trigger finger is ready and waiting to purchase a bundle from the store. So they put the least favorable one out first.( The bundle that sold the least for them). In hopes that you will buy that one just because you are eager to make a purchase. Sales go up for said bundle, few days later the bundle you really wanted comes in and you also purchase that bundle. This is also the reason behind piecing out the bundles one at a time. Instead of releasing them all at once. Like Fortnite would usually do.

  6. And now I just started MWII and it is not available anymore which sucks since i’ve sent £750 on weapons and skins so far

  7. Even with the nerfs, it’s still a very good rifle. Still annoyed it seems to get all the attention when it comes to tracer effects tho, wish the other rifles that haven’t got any (the 545 ak, the aug ect) would get some love but w/e.

  8. interesting that they put hemlock blueprints in every bundle despite nerfing it for no reason every update.