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  1. Oh come on guys i thought you liked buying Furry bundles with a oversized head, and civilians in clothes, and hated aggressive character designs? I thought we wanted to pay 30 dollars to play as a boomer in glasses, or a shitty cosplay, or anything that lacks testosterone?

  2. This has to be the dumbest concept really who makes these bundles ? Who ever it is needs to get fired completely restarted

  3. I think it got pulled due to an error in the xbox store. I have xbox at first it said go to the store but the store wouldnt load, took it away now my store loads. Im sure they will put it back in today at some point. Always a bug on update day lol 🤦🏻‍♂️

  4. If it had come with an 8-bit dog as the finisher, I totally would have got this. Missed opportunity, imo.

  5. Why they put this in and not the snow operator bundle for price and Farah. How can you Ian done half and not the other