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  1. The only thing ultra about it is the price 2800 cod points .It doesn’t do anything special .the guns do have a bloody snowball tracer but that’s not enough to justify the price.Instant buyers remorse

  2. It’s a Zombie base skin..it’s for the event… it’s fucking Santa..
    Pull your skirts down, and quit bitching
    ”Merry Christmas..Happy Holidays”

  3. So boring. Why is everything grey? Grey tracers too and no death effects, seriously? Ammo mods for MWZ, which are left behind 90% of the time they are found in game. What were they thinking with any of this?

  4. I don’t mind the idea of a zombie santa pack, but what fucking crack are they smoking to charge 2800 for this?

    We got a 2800 pack that included a bunch of really cool tracer stuff and a way better skin not too long ago. The most this should’ve costed is like 1800 or maybe 2000.