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  1. FUCK YES I FINALLY GOT IT LAST NIGHT! I had 2400 CP and half way through the battle pass, I didn’t even think twice I bought it and now I can’t buy the battle pass :’) But I’m not even mad anyways warzone is shit now and the battle pass isn’t worth it at all!

  2. Its available now. I finally got it, but I don’t know how much time will endure this bundle in the store. So, don’t miss the chance.

  3. Is available now. I got it finally yesterday, but I don’t know how much time will endure this bundle in the store. So don’t miss the chance.

  4. Strangest thing happened, the Cerulean Kilo was shown in the store tab next to load out, but was unable to purchase then disappeared after a console reset to try and get it? This mean it’ll be back soon? I want The Fixer bundle so bad.

  5. I bought the scarecrow bundle thinking I could unlock original skin for Nikto through challenges. Doesn’t work, don’t be a fool like me

    1. Look in your weapon area under the Kilo. You should be able to purchase it from there. I believe the bundle is available with under the weapon blueprint store area.

  6. I want it so bad, I just bought tokens from Walmart to and was going to use them yesterday to buy him but he was gone already

  7. Hello store, I want to buy this…can you please put this out for just one day please?….My money is waiting…

  8. ehi ma scusate esiste il pacchetto tracciatore blu?se esiste una fregatura perché per avere le armi blu basta acquistare il bundle di nikto poi vi volevo dire che se vedete nikto nel negozio e lo volete comprare fatelo subito!perché io lo stavo per comprare quando sono uscito dal gioco e poi quando sono rientrato no c’era più

    1. For. This is bullshit I been waiting on this shit for a min and still ain’t on my shot but my ho,or for it on his just now

  9. Hey this was in the store last night but it isn’t now. Can I buy it here and will it be on my Xbox? Or is there a way for me to buy it on my Xbox?

  10. I didn’t knew about the time to the bundle get out of the store and i lost it. I’m very very sad. I had started to play this game recently. I’m really frustrated. Is there some chance this bundle turn back to the store? Answer me please.

    1. I’ve seen this in store multiple times this season (possibly in the just for you section) so it may return

    2. I’m in the same exact boat man, it’ll come back around eventually, just keep an eye on this website, it pops up in the features section

    3. Yes it will come back eventually, just check every day back in the store, those bundles are ‘rotating’. I’m waiting for this bundle to appear again myself atm.

  11. Θα μπορούσε να μου πει κάποιος Πότε θα ξανά μπει ο nikto στο store γιατί δεν τον πρόλαβα??

  12. Hey! I just want to ask,that if I buy the Nikto boundle,do I have to use the skins or I can just choose any kinda skin on those two weapons to shoot blue bullets?

  13. it is available but …there we cant get ram7 weapon on free account….weird how i am suposed to buy it if there is no chance to get the weapon on warzone

    1. You can check on our frontpage which bundles are available now, the green tracer pack should be available to buy atm

      1. Love the site CODMWSTORE appreciate the effort u put in, noticed you have removed the count down clock… what’s the deal.

        Just a generic question have you done any work into how often the bundles are recycled.

        Eg if it’s on the store for 3 days what’s the average before it returns.

    1. We unfortunately don’t know when bundles are coming back but keep an eye out on codmwstore.com to see the store every day

  14. Does anyone know how long Nikto will be available? Will he stay a couple days like many other ones (like the St. Patrick one), or will he time out in a few hours and be gone until next time. I’m stuck at work and won’t get home until later. Really would like to buy him this round if he can stay in store for one more day.

    1. Nikto will at least be available for 22 more hours (we have a timer on our homepage). Big chance it will rotate out relatively soon I would advice to get him after work, you should have enough time.

  15. disappointed that it only gives 1 tier skip on the battle pass instead of the usual 2 that comes in similar bundles, but oh well, bought it anyway.

    1. Yes! Featured packs consist of blueprint/operator bundles and both can return. However, we don’t know when bundles come back but keep checking our site or the in-game store to not miss the latest packs 🙂