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  1. I was about to get this skin on may 3rd 2021 but it left the next day 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️

  2. Every bundle is available in the actual Modern Warfare. Because of the integration, Warzone players (Who don’t own MW) cannot access the armory with every MW bundle. They either have to: Wait for the store rotation, or buy the full game.

  3. it seens that i cant buy it if i only play warzone and dont own a copy of mw19( it cant be found event through the armory blueprints of ak47

  4. I’ve literally been waiting almost 2 months logging in everyday checking the store, weapon variants and its never came back. Really want this bundle uhg.

  5. Why don’t you guys introduce a search in game for blueprints? that way you’d know what to put in each individuals ‘just for you’ section?

    1. Because that would be too easy for infinity ward hahahaha…..just make you wait months and months not even bothering to rotate the bundles properly until your sick of it and buy another game.